My last week has been very busy. On Wednesday I gave presentations to four classrooms. Later that
evening I gave a presentation on Aquatic Macroinvertebrates to the
Chippewa Valley Audubon Club - I was also reelected to another two-year term as the club's vice president.
On Thursday and Friday, I was entirely focused on our annual
Environmental Education Day. I began coordinating this event back in
December. It is the high point of the school year for our Environmental Education Program. We invite every 3rd grade classroom in the county to attend. Approximately 575 students and 100 adults
attended this year.
This event would not be possible without all of the people who donate their time (and in many cases a great deal of materials) to make this event successful. We had nineteen different stations set up for the students to learn about a variety of environmental and conservation education topics.
I want to thank all of the following groups for attending and making this program possible.
I don't think I forgot anyone, but I apologize if I did.
Here are a few photos from the day.
Woodsy Owl want to remind you to "Lend a hand - care for the land!" |
Tim LeQuier from the Natural Resources Conservation Service talks to kids about soil |
Students checking out the Michigan Forest Foundation Wanigan education Trailer |
Students learn about pollination at the Mt. Pleasant Discovery Museum station |
Inside the SCI Sensory Safari trailer |
Learning about aquatic invertebrates with the Saginaw Chippewa Water Quality Team |
prof premraj pushpakaran writes -- let us celebrate International Environmental Education Day!!!