Monday, October 9, 2017

Earth Science Week 2017 - Monday

Happy Earth Science Week 2017!
Eroded rock/sediment formations at Theodore Roosevelt National Park (Medora, ND)

What is Earth Science?  The short answer is that Earth Science is the study of the Earth and its neighbors in space.  Generally, Earth Science is divided into four disciplines: geology, meteorology, astronomy, and oceanography.

Geology is a science that deals with the study of the Earth's materials, structures, and processes.  The word geology comes from the Greek words geo (Earth) and logia (study of).

Meteorology is a science that deals with the study of atmosphere and how processes in the atmosphere affect weather and climate (long term weather patterns).  The word meteorology comes from the Greek words meteōron meaning roughly "thing high up" and logia meaning "study or discussion of".

The word astronomy means "arrangement of the stars" and comes from the Greek root words astron (star) and nomos (arranging).   In current terms, Astronomy is the study of the universe.  It includes the study of how nearby celestial bodies influence the Earth.

Oceanography is a science that involves the study of Earth's oceans and seas and their composition, patterns, and processes.  This science also includes the study of the organisms that inhabit the oceans.  The word oceanography was coined in the 1850s as a partner to the word geography - it comes from the Greek root words Ōkeanós (god of the sea) and gráphō (writing).

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